Ex-Security Officer Needs Two Surgeries

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This campaign is to raise funds to help Mr John Toolaram Marajh with two (2) major surgeries and follow up medical care.

Mr. John Marajh, a 57 year old retired security officer who suffers from depression is in need of two surgeries.He currently lives with a relative.

In 2001 he underwent an open umbilical hernia repair and then in 2002 he underwent emergency surgery for repair of an incarcerated ventral incisional hernia.

Since then he had another recurrence of the hernia and it has gotten larger and more painful with time.As such, a simple repair will not suffice this time, as he also needs abdominal reconstruction.

Before he undergoes the abdominal repair, he needs bariatric surgery to assist with weight loss to maximize the chances of a successful procedure.

After sufficient weight loss has been achieved, he can then undergo the required hernia repair.

He also has a past medical history of mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

General details on the two surgeries he needs:

  • Bariatric surgery which is also known as weight loss surgery, is done by reducing the size of the stomach with gastric bands or through removal of a portion of the stomach or by resecting and re-routing the small intestine to a small stomach pouch that is surgically created.
  • Abdominal reconstruction surgery is normally used to correct abdominal weakness caused by recurring hernias, or open wounds that are not easily resolved. This surgery is a more complex one that requires plastic surgeons to redistribute the abdominal muscles hence reshaping the abdominal wall.

On behalf of Mr John Marajh we thank and appreciate you for your contribution and even the smallest donation will help to make a difference in his life.


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