Fundraising campaign by Ourania Baltsavia
  • €51.00
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We are three Greek teenagers writing to you with great enthusiasm and a deep passion for the sport of sailing. Our dream is to participate in the upcoming European ILCA4 Sailing Championships, scheduled to take place in Slovenia from April 5th to April 12th 2024.

This opportunity means the world to us, as it's a chance to showcase our skills, dedication, and commitment to the sport we love. However, participating in such a prestigious event comes with its challenges, particularly in terms of the required funding. We are reaching out to individuals and organizations like you, who share our love for sailing and appreciate the hard work and determination it takes to succeed.

The funds we are seeking to raise will be used for three critical aspects of our journey:

  • Transportation: Getting ourselves and oursailingequipment to Slovenia is a significant expense. The right equipment is crucial for us to compete at our best.
  • Residence: Accommodation during the event is essential to ensure we are well-rested and ready to perform at our peak. A comfortable and convenient place to stay will be key to our success.
  • Entry Fees: To secure our spots in the European ILCA4 Sailing Championships, we need to cover the entry fees, which are a necessary expense for participation.
  • All of the above means a cost of approximately 9000 euro.

    We believe that with your support, we can make our goals real. Sailing is not just a sport to us; it's a way of life. The sea is our home, and we pour our hearts and souls into our training and competitions. This event is not only an opportunity to showcase our skills but also a stepping stone to a brighter future.

    With a strong performance in the European ILCA4 Sailing Championships, we hope to catch the attention of university scouts and secure scholarships or admissions, which will enable us to continue our education while pursuing our passion for sailing. Your support can be the catalyst for this journey towards a brighter future, and we truly value every contribution.

    We understand the financial commitment required, and any support you can provide, whether big or small, will be immensely appreciated. Your generosity will make a significant difference in our lives and help us realize our potential in the world of sailing.

    Please consider joining us in this exciting journey. We would be honored to have you as a part of our team, and we are committed to keeping you updated on our progress throughout this endeavor. Thank you for taking the time to read our letter and for considering our request.

    If you are interested in contributing, you can reach us at +306908295499,
    +306943068988, +306972544562 or e-mail us

    at [email protected]. Any form of assistance is greatly valued, whether it's a donation or advice on how to further our cause.

    Thank you for your support, and we hope to make you proud with our performance at the European ILCA4 Sailing Championships in Slovenia.


    Antonis Tsatrafilis, Korina Varsaki, Thanos Sapountzis


    • Ourania Baltsavia


    • Anonymous
    • Donated on Nov 06, 2023

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    Donors & Comments

    2 donors
    • Anonymous
    • Donated on Nov 06, 2023


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