“Empower a Child with Education: Sponsor a Child

Fundraising campaign by Noah Ssempijja
  • US$0.00
    raised of $7,000.00 goal goal
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Raised offline: $105.00
Total: $105.00
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The gift of sponsorship…

“The most precious gift you can give an orphan is the gift of sponsorship and relationship with your family”

"Your sponsorship will make a sustainable impact in the life of a child"

Millions of children in Africa live in absolute poverty and are out of school. Education is one of the most efficient solutions in trying to end the cycle of poverty. With help of local leaders, YICE Uganda mapped 147 Orphans and vulnerable children in Mubende district. Most of these children are in age range of 2 to 15 years, who lost either both or one of their parents. 65% of the parents lost died of HIV/AIDs related infections while others died of malaria, cough and many other unidentified diseases. Most of these children live with single parents, others with guardians, while a few live in child-headed households; depending on small scale farming with no sustainable source of income. Because of this, these children have no chances of attaining education thus, expected to live in absolute poverty!

Through this sponsorship program, your contribution will give a child an education! It also allows you to build a personalized relationship with your sponsored child. You will receive your sponsored children's photographs and they write to you 3 times a year to tell you about themselves and their lives.
With a contribution of $120 per school year, a primary school child is guaranteed an education (school fees, books, pens and pencils, geometry set and uniform).


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raised of $7,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors
Raised offline: $105.00
Total: $105.00

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