Elegant Single Mothers Foundation

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I must admit that suffering individuals in this universe where not born to be that way, but nature kicks in when situations happen and there is no one to reach out resulting in a grieving moments, heart over whelming, sorrow and eventually walking away leading to single parents and most kids found on the streets due to the results of no hand of help.

Being a single mother of two boys for over eleven year, i came to understand that a lot of mothers are out there with no help and even most of them their relatives are de-touching away from them because of the situation they are passing through. And being that i got a chance to be employed, being able to take care of my kids all those years, remember a lot couldn't leaving kids uneducated and so many other problems rising up. that's why i came up with this idea of helping them out even though i don't have much.


Am Nansamba Florence Nakato, a single mother of 2 boys. One is 10 years and the other is 2 years old . 38years old.

Am Nansamba Florence Nakato, a single mother of 2 boys. One is 10 years and the other is 2 years old . 38years old.

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Florence Nakato Nansamba

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raised of $25,000.00 goal
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