Raising funds to help my brother buy a laptop for his education needs

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    raised of ₱70,000.00 goal goal
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Good day everyone.

I would like you to meet my brother Paul, currently in his 3rd year of college taking Bachelor of Science in Entertainment and Multimedia Computing in the Philippines. A persevering person with a dream of becoming a well known animator artist to known studios around the world.

We're a family belonging in the lower class income, and with the rise of prices in commodities in the Philippines due to inflation, some of the needs of our family can't support the educational stuff needed by my brother.

Currently, he is using the old laptop to do some programming and art projects needed in school, but some applications can't be used due to having low-end specs because the laptop is dedicated for basic computing needs only due to being affordable at the time of buying it which dated years ago. It's slow and can't handle complex apps. Certainly won't be able to run the software needed for his 3D designing subjects.

By creating this campaign, I wanted to help my brother achieve his dreams and finished his education because having a proper education in the Philippines is the only thing we can inherit from our family that will help in his future engagements in the industry he wants to pursue.

Here is the list of what my brother needed:

  • Laptop needed for his programming and 3D learning subjects.
  • Drawing tablet for art related subjects.
  • Applications needed for the course.
  • Funds for the materials needed for school.

Below are some of his works using our old laptop.

Thank you for being an important part of helping this campaign. Words cannot express how much your support means to my brother.


Good day to everyone. I'm just a person who wants to help my family in their needs in life.

Good day to everyone. I'm just a person who wants to help my family in their needs in life.

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raised of ₱70,000.00 goal
0% Funded
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