Help Us Make School a Reality for ALL Sudanese Children!

Fundraising campaign by wigdan Mustafa
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Hi everyone! This campaign in set up in hopes of collecting donations that can go towards helping Kids in Sudan attend public school. With the current situation in Sudan many low income families are struggling to pay the basic fee for public school systems and unfortunately these schools are not understanding towards the struggles being faced by parents.

Up until 2019 public schools were free, however this has changed and students are being asked to pay $60 (a full year fees per student). $60 may sound affordable, yet unfortunately the average income per household is just about $30 per month and in some cases way less than that.

Being Sudanese myself I can only imagine the future these kids will have without an education - no future.

The thought of setting up this campaign came to me after receiving a phone call from my mother back home asking me to help a family friend pay for his kids school fees. We have managed to help our family friend, however I couldn't stop thinking about all the other families who are in the same situation.

Sudanese people collectively are currently struggling to make ends meet, with majority of families struggling to afford the basic human day-to-day necessities such as food!

Please help with donating any amount that can assist here, would mean the world to the kids, as education is their only guarantee at a chance of having a future!


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raised of $10,000.00 goal
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