Education for Poor Children

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When we think of childhood, we instantly go back to the happy, carefree days when school was our second home and homework was the biggest trouble we had in our lives – morning assembly, lunch break, games period, making paper boats, walking back home with friends, mom making us ready in spotless uniform, we ruining the uniform by end of school every day, punishments, the list goes on.

While our fondest childhood memories comprise of the many little things we did in school, 17.7 million children in India are yet to experience this joy. Working in hazardous conditions, living on the street, braving hunger, poverty and violence, childhood means something very different for these children.

This Foundation's Mission Education is an effort to bring these out-of-school children under the fold of education. In addition to this, we also look after their health, nutrition, and provide them relevant exposure through co-curricular activities.

Last year, 21,346 children across 21 states of India were directly provided education under the initiative. This year, we aim to provide education to 25,000 children through Mission Education. But we need your support to achieve this.

By supporting Mission Education, you will be giving these children a chance to regain their lost childhood. Isn't this the least they deserve? Let’s come together in ensuring a happy childhood for 25,000 children. Donate Now!


  • Sam Shaikh
  • Campaign Owner

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