Drawing the future

Fundraising campaign by Siecher de Vries
  • €150.00
    Donated So Far
Raised offline: €170.00
Total: €320.00
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Who am I and what do I want?

Hi, I'm a 37 year old single working guy wishing to raise money so I can buy a Cintiq 27 QHD Touch. I do have a Wacom Tablet, but I can't seem to get used to looking at the screen and drawing on the table. Although I do like to draw, I do so less then what I intent to do, which is something I now really want to change as you will read on.

What I do for a living?

I work with old people, I'm there for them both mentally and physically. I help them around the house whether it would be cleaning or some construction work, paperwork is important and making sure they have food too, just about everything. Despite what a lot of people think this is a rather exhausting job, although this is a job you can enjoy (I have been on this job for almost 18 years now) and the people are grateful for all I do, unfortunately the pay is below average.

I tried saving, but there is always a bill that needs to be payed, either one of mine or my moms (we just help each other this way). Getting an other job is no option for me, as I am (funny enough) already to old where I live, and people are being fired all around in bushes. Also having no partner to possibly help ease such a blow, I dare not take that risk. This being a full time job also leaves out doing a little something extra on the side, which would be hard for me anyway since I have recently had a burnout (being a people-pleaser is a habit something I recommend you unlearn), my energy level drops quite quickly now a days, my body telling me to take it slow by giving me a stabbing sensation on my chest (not to confuse with a pressure sensation, which would mean possible heart problems. Or so my general practitioner says). Not to make this a sob story, just to tell you how it is :). Though if there is something you must learn from this part LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!! and again don't be a people-pleaser to an extreme extent.

What I want to achieve?
In time I would like to shift from my current job to a more artistic one, even if it would be just partly. I did managed to buy relatively buy-able software over time for drawing and 3D Sculpting. I'd like to expand at least on the talent I believe I have and bring it out in any which way I can. I have been drawing the last two weeks a bit (as of posting) to show I do have affinity drawing, granted I still have a lot to learn, but again, I feel I have the capacity to do that putting in the time. People have been telling me I am creative (my mom (obviously) being one of them, she is the one next to me in my profile picture :), so why not go for it.

The amount I need is 2500 euros,will you sponsor/fund me?

I'll make you a digital portrait or caricature as a reward once I reach my goal if your interested ;)


Digital caricature or portrait drawing


  • Siecher de Vries
  • Campaign Owner


  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Nov 21, 2016
  • Siecher de Vries
  • Donated on Nov 12, 2016
  • I made the first donation myself to this list first, and to show I intend to contribute myself to my goal when I can. I hope you will contribute, and I thank you for it.


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Donors & Comments

2 donors
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Nov 21, 2016
  • Siecher de Vries
  • Donated on Nov 12, 2016
  • I made the first donation myself to this list first, and to show I intend to contribute myself to my goal when I can. I hope you will contribute, and I thank you for it.



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Donated So Far
Raised offline: €170.00
Total: €320.00

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