Donate Some Money for My Education

Fundraising campaign by Mohiuddin Roki
  • US$0.00
    raised of $500.00 goal goal
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Sir my name is Mohiuddin Roki. I am a Bangladeshi citizen .I am currently studying diploma engineering. I have completed about seven semesters in eight semesters. Our diploma system is to engage industrial after seven semesters, for which our computer department has to spend a lot of attachments, which costs a lot in the Industrial Training Fee and eating my own. But my family can not run this expenditure at the end. My parents or my family have helped me to complete seven semester with a lot of difficulty, but if I can not do another semester which is an industrial attachment, then my diploma engineer will not be possible. So I'm asking for some donations, which will help you to continue my studies. I hope I get some feedback from you. Thank you.

I'm trying to industrial attachment to Android Apps Development.

I want to attach to what's needed for Android Apps development. All I need to do is attach this below.

1. A laptop, to create a program.(I have a laptop)

2. A mobile phone, so I'll run the program.

3. Attachment fee

4. Other costs

Bank Name First Century Bank
Routing (ABA) 061120084
Account Number 4013453970422
Account Type CHECKING
Beneficiary Name Mohiuddin Roki


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raised of $500.00 goal
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