Fundraising for Dona’s kidney transplant and medical treatments

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Dona and her friends would like to launch a fundraising campaign for Dona's upcoming kidney transplant operation and her ongoing medical treatments.

Dona has been battling against kidney failure for 9 years now. Now that she found a kidney donor, she needed to have a kidney transplant as soon as possible. Her years of ongoing dialysis has costed her and her family almost everything. She is now trying to reach out to everybody's goodness in their hearts to help her achieve her goal of a successful operation and medical treatment.

Her friends have made efforts of various fundraising campaign and events for her but money is still the issue. She needed a large amount of money for her hospitalization and to start the operation immediately. We hope that people will find it in their hearts to help our friend Dona overcome this challenge as she continues to move forward and try to live her life normally.

For those who are continuously helping Dona overcome this battle of a lifetime, we sincerely thank you all! All your previous donations are a lifesaver to Dona.

For those that would like to know Dona more, here is her story:

I am Dona Mae F. Austria, have been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease stage 5 secondary to Chronic Glomerulonephritis and I am on maintenance Peritoneal Dialysis since 2009. Other co-morbid conditions include: Secondary Hypertension from CKD and Bone Mineral Disorder which are common complications of Chronic Dialysis. To relieve this complication, kidney transplant is the definitive management. I am currently being worked up for Kidney Transplant with my sister Kathleen Anne Austria as a healthy donor. With limited funds, my family and friends are helping me to earn enough funds needed for my Kidney Transplant Operation.

For people who would like to donate to Dona personally please contact her through Facebook:

Again, we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for helping Dona and her cause. We only ask to simply like and share this page to help reach out to more millions of good people in this world. May God bless you all, may God bless Dona.


  • Corrine Antonio
  • Social Media Manager

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Corrine Antonio
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