Residential Addiction Treatment – An Innovative Science Driven Approach

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We are seeking donations to fund what will eventually be, Asia’s most innovative recovery centre for global offering scientific research-driven programs for clients requiring or seeking specialized recovery for addictions, trauma and behavioural health disorders.

The core trauma-informed addiction treatment program is designed by our own psychologists. Our approach is grounded in innovative research-driven techniques and underpinned by cutting-edge neuroscience. The program uses a ground-breaking clinical assessment and treatment system unlike any other. It is truly innovative and licensed exclusively for our clinic and clients. The system is purposely designed to demonstrate significant improvements over the duration of the treatment episode that are both observable and measurable making a client's progress 100% evidence-based.

The innovative and unique psychological treatment approach we use is ground-breaking and not available anywhere else in the world. It is truly individualized and overseen by our renowned psychologists. Our trauma-informed treatment model combines five highly-effective, proven psychological techniques as well as a specialized program that is purposefully designed to consolidate clinical gains made across the treatment cycle.

The core residential program is underscored by this truly extraordinary augmented program that is unique to us and not available within any other mainstream treatment provider across the Asia Pacific region. Our broader research has demonstrated nothing comparable within in-patient services worldwide.

All of our treatment plans are exclusive and uniquely written and monitored by two leading western psychologists with specialisms in the fields of dependency and behavioural health disorders. The addiction treatment program is outcome-driven and not seeking volume. Treatment will be limited to 12 clients at any one time. The focus is on fair pricing and accessibility of first-line treatments for those most in need. Our psychologists and counselors conform to the highest international standards and collectively they have helped over 500 men and women from around the world achieve recovery.

The addiction treatment program is seeking to generate sufficient revenue to fund itself for the initial launch and first four quarters. The program also requires funding for a unique augmented program that is central to its core service provision and treatment delivery. Our approach to addiction therapy requires us to commit significant financial outlay in this regard. We are seeking to income generate to acquire the clinic's core equipment and ability to fund treatment cycles for the first 12 clients.

What We Offer

Sea Change is a new healthcare company due to begin treating survivors in 2022.

The founders believe that the augmented delivery of first-line therapies in conjunction with singular targeted interventions such as EMDR, Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and an innovative groundbreaking neuroscience technology to be delivered when the clinic opens, is in alignment with currently recommended best practice in the delivery of trauma-informed care.

Sea Change is prepared to treat a proportion of its inpatient and intensive outpatient survivors for free in an attempt to reduce their symptoms of trauma and improve their life circumstances.

We are currently in talks with a number of key stakeholders and community services to be able to accept a number of free treatment referrals for our groundbreaking treatment programs.

We have the capacity to begin offering free treatment at our inpatient and outpatient clinics once we are in receipt of the equipment and budgets we are fundraising for.

Sea Change is in the process of finalizing their licensure with the Board of Investment and have contracts with suppliers of neuroimaging equipment in place.

Successful income generation and fundraising are critical for us to be able to secure the equipment we require to deliver these vital treatments.

The young, the poor, and socially disadvantaged did not cause the problems they are facing today but they are hit the hardest.

If you can't donate then please help us raise awareness by posting your support to your social media networks about this appeal. If you have the time we would love for you to maybe leave us a few words of support on this page.

We know that if everyone that reads this fundraising appeal donates $5 US dollars the benefits that we could bring to the young, poor, and socially disadvantaged who need help the most would be life-changing.

Please support us by donating today.





Lee Daniel Hawker-Lecesne is a Member of The British Psychological Society. He entered the field of addictions after developing a range of evidenced b

Lee Daniel Hawker-Lecesne is a Member of The British Psychological Society. He entered the field of addictions after developing a range of evidenced b

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raised of $125,000.00 goal
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