DIY CPR & AED Trainer

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I am JC, a Wilderness EMT. Here in the Philippines, state-of-the-art training equipment for emergency responders are very expensive especially for a youth volunteer medic instructor like me. My passion for teaching and sharing valuable life-saving skills to fellow volunteers drove me with my creativity to create DIY (Do-It-Yourself) training materials such as a DIY CPR dummy and AED.

Previously, I created a DIY CPR Mannikin (adult and infant) with a body constructed from bed foam, water bottle, wood and a head made from paper mache wherein students are able to practice chest compressions and insert airway adjuncts. I also created a DIY Automated External Defibrillator, manually operated via bluetooth speaker providing prompts for defibrillation and compression. So far, these are effective alternative learning materials to learn and practice basic life support skills in an individual or group setting. I was able to train almost 50 individuals with these materials and able my medic students to champion 3 first-aid competitions in a span of 1 year.

My goal is to further improve my DIY CPR Mannikin and AED using better components available such as fiber glass, foam or rubber. Together with your help, let us make a better learning experience for individuals who are willing to serve voluntarily for humanity.


  • John Christian Santos
  • Campaign Owner
  • PH

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raised of ₱10,000.00 goal
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