Crystal Clear Vision

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    raised of $2,000.00 goal goal
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Imagine missing out on some of the most glorious views because your glasses keep sliding off your sweaty face as you hike to the base of the world's tallest mountain. Or contesting with contact lenses that make it feel as though you have 1000 tiny knives slaying your eyeballs.

Yes. It sucks. A lot.

As some of you may know, I have decided to take myself on a bit of a soul search journey as I trek to Everest Base Camp this November. As most of you probably don't know, my eyes caused me a great deal of unnecessary distress. I am constantly fighting with my glasses and my eyeballs reject contact lenses.

I have, therefore, decided to get Lasik eye surgery before embarking on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure. Unfortunately, I am not rich and famous yet and need a little help with raising funds.

The money raised will cover the cost of the surgery. All other expenses will be over by yours truly. This type of surgery is not available in Cambodia so I will have to travel to Thailand.


I am required to go for a pre-surgery examination. This examination is also not available in Cambodia so I will have to do it once I am in Thailand. There is a small chance that I am not able to have the surgery. If this is the case, all funds will go towards the fight against period poverty in Cambodia.

I would like to thank you in advance for your help. It is greatly appreciated it.


  • Angelique Delamere

No updates for this campaign just yet


Bianca Camille Fulgueras
raised of $2,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities