Connecting Rajasthan

Fundraising campaign by sagarwadhwa
  • US$0.00
    raised of $2,500.00 goal goal
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Note : Rajasthan is the most visited state by tourists in India

We have a strong revenue model for this startup and just need startup fund (seed funding ) to grow.

Members of also have an opportunity to post free classifieds, buy/sell products on and the buyers can directly contact the sellers and can get deals of Restaurants , spa , saloons etc for free. is Rajasthan's first online community where members can interact,share and connect with the people of RAJASTHAN , their thoughts and culture of Rajasthan. is Rajasthan's first social network and is exclusively dedicated to Rajasthan.

The daily rigors of life leave people with scarce time to indulge in mutual interaction with offers you the advantage of reaching out to others from the comfort of your homes and offices and to generate camaraderie, acquire and share knowledge and experiences. provides the thrill of discovery of various facades of Rajasthan. offers vast opportunities to persons of all age groups to delve into the culture, heritage and ethnicity of Rajasthan. poses no barriers of caste, creed or social discrimination and is an open platform for free exchange of views touching all spheres of life. Those who have their roots in Rajasthan but are away from home have the opportunity to feel at home on the site with those who reside in Rajasthan, make new friends and revive old friendship with the classmates and past colleagues.

The children can interact with their own age group and establish a social identity of their own. The students can learn from interaction with other students and hone their skills. The entrepreneurs have a looming opportunity to promote their business interests and activities. The hospitality industry in Rajasthan has another venue available to attract more tourists to the state. The institutions can reach out to the masses in the field of education and technology. What is important and needs to be borne in mind is strict avoidance of spam and abuse of the site.


If there are any areas of interest which impel you to seek more information on any of the specific features of the site and its utility, we shall be glad to explain the same to you.

Please check out the website live at


25% partnership in the venture

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No Followers Just Yet...
raised of $2,500.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities