College Degree – 1 years left

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I'm done working graveyard shifts and constantly have to fight off relatives asking if I have a college degree. My parents stopped supporting me after 4 years in college and assuming I have finished my studies.

Truth is, I fell in a hole 2 years before graduating and got hook on call center jobs. Now, I'm working graveyard shifts in another call center and paying - salary is not just enough to raise funds to go back to college and finish with a degree.

I was part of my college council as the 2nd year Representative, I felt like that was the highlight of my whole college life and it felt really great having the power to help out fellow students voice out issues and concerns that could basically improve a few things for them and for the college I was in. I was also part of Dean's list for only a year until I flunked out of the grade threshold.

It was a rollercoster and now looking back, and the general feel of the economy from where I'm from - jobs require a diploma, an actual college degree to rise above basic wage and be done with night shifts and overall, improve my way of life.

I've reached out to my adviser and asked me that I can still re-enroll this semester and wouldn't be held back. I checked with our accounting department and I have a back account which needed to be settled so that I can enroll and pay for the actual tuition fee. I plan to do this full time and resign from my current job and maybe look for a part-time during the day that can pay for my food and rent.

Initially, I would need to settle my first balance but I already have that covered.

I would need:

1. PHP 22,300 for the first semester including miscellaneous fees and books.

2. PHP 20,580 for the second semester (same fees)

That's all I need just to get my life going again. It sucks to be the only sibling in the family that hasn't finished yet and I want to cheer my parents that I finished college.

I hope you guys can help and it would really mean so much to me.


Musician | Undergrad | Just wants to a normal life like the rest of us.

Musician | Undergrad | Just wants to a normal life like the rest of us.

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raised of ₱40,000.00 goal
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