CHARTE: CHILDREN Have A Right to Education

Fundraising campaign by Agustin Larocca
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CHARTE: CHILDREN Have A Right to Education

The international campaign to get underprivileged children into school and keep them

Dear Contribuitors 

I’d be delighted if you felt this initiative was of interest to you and were able to join us in supporting what we believe provides a fantastic opportunity.

Based on a passion for education and a keen awareness of the need to nurture our young people’s potential, The Capital Shores Foundation is a non-profit charity with a clear vision: To unlock the educational capabilities in Philippines, supporting children with the needed life-long learning skills and competencies.

We believe that this is an extremely exciting concept, something that is truly distinctive.

Building the Philippines

There is an enormous lack of useful material for young people especially around health and social education.

Economic and political conditions often make getting an education impossible for children around the world and this is especially more acute where girls are concerned. Families may require their children to work rather than receive an education so that they have enough money to survive and some cases even sell their children for labor, sex, or adoption because money is too tight. In other cases, obligatory school fees may prove prohibitive. Discrimination, attacks on secular schools, displacement as a result of war or persecution, and other conditions are often to blame.

In short, despite the fact that a basic education has been recognised as every child's right; far too many children are not only left behind but left veritably in the dark.

In Philippines, six out of 10 children are underweight, 65% suffer iodine deficiency and 35% tend to quit school because of poverty.

Creating exciting and fun educational material tailored to the children’s sensibilities and interests will create a promising solution to one of the primary obstacles facing the poorest children worldwide.

We believe that a broadly-implemented learning and educational program have the potential to transform the lives of many struggling children and by doing so will encourage growth that will change the economic landscape of impoverished communities.  


The CHARTE mission is to provide functional, cost effective, flexible, learning that adds lifelong value to quality education for all who seek knowledge.

CHARTE focuses on three key areas: positive messaging; encouraging achievements and strides made in some countries to growth education and seeking to replicate them; and intensifying actions aimed at increase children rights to education.

CHARTE aims to increase children without education in countries with high rates. Positive messaging might promote good examples and achievements in some other States (for instance, Haiti, Comoros, Kenya and Ethiopia) and their replication in other countries, and more actions for children to have equal access to education. It focuses on Philippines factors – Quality of Education, Learning Outcomes and Economic Growth.

Helping to build awareness

As part of our preparations for campaign launch we are starting to build wider awareness of the project, in both the public and private sectors, to secure the necessary support.  Be that through word of mouth endorsements, ambassadors, volunteers, grants, fundraisers or even PR.


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