Car repair costs

Fundraising campaign by Svitlana Romanenko
  • US$0.00
    raised of $1,500.00 goal goal
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Hello everyone! I know the title looks trivial. But it is so essential for us.

The long story short: we are a newly married couple from Ukraine (Eastern Europe). My husband works as a taxi driver and I work as a translator. We had a big dream - to buy our own car, since my husband needs it for work and we used to rent it before. So the miracle happend - we worked hard for half a year (also we borrowed some money) and a month ago we bought our first own car. Although it is used and not very new (2002) but we love it. And a couple of weeks later it broke. Now they say that we need up to USD 1000 for repair in the nearest time and we still have about USD 1000 of debt. For Ukraine it's quite a big money. We are able to cover only about USD 500 in the nearest time. And we need to work at least 4 months to raise this amount. But we need it much earlier. Otherwise we'd be forced to sell a car at half a price to cover the debt.

So if your heart responds to my message - we'd be happy to receive any help.

May God bless you!


  • Svitlana Romanenko

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raised of $1,500.00 goal
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No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities