Camotes Aspin Project

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"Feeding Hope: Help Us Transform the Lives of Stray Dogs on Camotes Islands!"

Imagine a world where every stray dog on Camotes Islands has a chance at a better life. We are excited to share with you our ambitious proposal to establish stray feeding stations in partnership with local ports, accommodations, and businesses throughout the stunning Camotes Islands. This initiative will be spearheaded by dedicated individuals at each supporting location and closely monitored by the Camotes Aspin Project team. Our ultimate goal is to prepare these stray dogs for a significant CAP sterilization clinic scheduled for November. Once sterilized, these dogs will receive reflective collars indicating their vaccination and neutering status.

Camotes Island is a paradise that lures tourists and skilled divers from across the globe. However, like many other picturesque destinations, the islands face a significant challenge – the issue of stray dog populations. These unattended strays often endure malnutrition, suffer from diseases, and contribute to the growing overpopulation of homeless dogs. Our proposed initiative is a beacon of hope, designed to tackle these issues head-on by introducing stray feeding stations and advocating for a more compassionate approach to pet management.

But we can't do it alone. We need your support to turn this vision into reality.



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