Help my mom

Fundraising campaign by Badrul hakim Adzizan
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I want to start my mother's business again after the event of the COVID 19 LOCKDOWN, I need a financial contribution to rebuild the therapy center and the restaurant that I have previously worked with my family using my family savings and my own savings starting in 2019 which is the YELLOW GREEN RESTAURANT and also HAKIM SUNNAH THERAPY CENTER with a capital of RM 100,00.00, the business is only able to survive until 2021, which is after the outbreak of the virus that hit the whole world, I had to stop the business and sell all assets during the COVID 19 LOCKDOWN and have used all financial resources which is there to survive to cover family life and daily expenses for almost 2 years, all my savings and financial resources are gone because of the LOCKDOWN period, I want to rebuild the family business, especially 90 percent of the start-up capital of the business is from my mother's savings is getting old, The savings were my mother's savings since 60 years ago for the pleasure of her own old age after she went through hardships, I feel sad to see the sacrifice of my mother who is also a single mother after the death of my beloved father in 1996 fighting with all her efforts to educate and help us as children who are successful in the field of business and doing good in this life can't show the results that mom expects due to the economy and the current situation of COVIID 19 LOCKDOWN because now me and other siblings have to work as manual laborers and can't spare time and pleasure to the Mother who is very honorable for us in this world who has sacrificed her pleasure to be with us, even with the current economic situation we can only cover daily life for our respective responsibilities and cannot repay or give a good response to the sacrifice of this aging mother so that we can always be together as this noble mother's wishes and sacrifices, I appeal to the kindness of all who see this to contribute to me restarting the business to always be able to be together with this noble mother as best as possible,

I need funds amounting to RM 100,000.00 for me to restart and rebuild my weak business finances right now after the occurrence of the COVID 19 LOCKDOWN, I have tried to apply for a loan from the bank but failed due to irregular financial arrangements and making my financial records quite difficult for the bank to give loan. With the funds that I am asking for donations here, I will improve my financial weaknesses during this time and rebuild IBU's business for us together in family life, I will appreciate all of your contributions and with kindness. And my hope is that my brothers and sisters together with my mother as my mother's sacrifice and wishes will be a good thing for all of you and may you all be given wealth and good health to be with your beloved family,


  • Badrul hakim Adzizan

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raised of RM100,000.00 goal
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