Victor Revino’s Trading School Fund

Fundraising campaign by Victor Revino
  • US$0.00
    raised of $25,000.00 goal goal
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Hello everyone, my name is Victor Revino. I'm from Jakarta, Indonesia.

The reason I'm here is because I need your help, I need your donations for my Trading School Tuition.

I spent my whole life trying to find something that I'm good at, I tried writing screenplays, I tried writing for a magazine, I even tried being a singer but I found out that I'm not good at all of those things. I found what I'm good at and that is Forex Trading, I know in my heart that I am good, it's because one simple thing, I never quit on my trading, of all the things I said to you all before, I can quit easily but I love my trading, I can't get enough of it.

However, I also know that I'm not as good as I want to be just yet, I'm still struggling most of the time and for the last month, I am really struggling to analyze the charts. I need to attend this trading class, this advance learning trading class which I believe will strengthen me in my trading skills and my trading emotion altogether.

The advance learning course is very expensive, I really don't have the money to pay it. If I can't pay the tuition, I really will be trading with limited trading skills and I am sure that I will falter all of my capital which is not a lot to begin with.

The main reason why I'm doing this is not just for me, yes, I want to be the best at what I do, I want to be proud of myself, knowing that I achieved something profound in my life, to live life at least a little bit comfortable, not worrying about how I am going to pay for this and that but it is for my MOM.

My mom has been there all this time, through my rough times and I want to give everything in my power to provide for her which at this time she is still providing for me, most of the time. She is 60 years old and she is still working to provide for the household, I want to help, I really do, it's my obligation as a son to retire my mom and give the best life my mom could have, because she deserves the best. With the money I'm making today, I can't even afford to pay for myself let alone my mom.

I am asking and pleading to you all, son to son, children to children, to help me be the best, help me stop being a burden to my mom and start giving the best to the woman that I love the most.

I really thank you all for this opportunity to explain myself. Any donation is much appreciated.

Thank you,

Victor Revino


  • Victor Revino
  • Campaign Owner
Jul 05

My spirit is broken

Update posted by Victor Revino at 04:54 pm

I suffered another loss, this time it really put a dent on me. I am completely broken... I really don't have the push to go forward anymore. I really need the advance class, I am pleading to all of you to please, please donate for my cause, donate for my

See update


Abdul Amir Abdullah
raised of $25,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

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