Jul 02, 2013 at 02:50 pm

Goal Reached!

Update posted by TonyMoncur

Hello friends, what can I say? We are touched, blessed and slightly overwhelmed with such a swift and hearty response.  While it's no secret that T.M. is one heck of a guy and loved by so many, so much, this is truly surprising and inspiring. I honestly have no idea who the mystery donors are and thus have no way to attempt to even show our deep gratitude and thanks. I feel a little strange leaving this fundraiser up here for the duration of the time left, but I am assured this is the etiquette. I mentioned in the initial blurb that anything raised over the amount will be donated to the SPCA on his behalf which will remain true, but if we carry on and raise enough for additional footwear, I would be happy doing that as well as covering his travel expenses to Vancouver to purchase said boots. 

I can not express with words how deeply this has affected my whole family and thank you simply does not begin to cover the gammet of emotions we are all having here today. But thank you, none the less. 

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