Mar 10, 2016 at 05:24 am

Unexpected Joys & Trials of One American Life

Update posted by Diana Saltoon-Briggs

For those of you who've kindly contributed, here's an update regarding the book:

Moving forward in life without Briggs, the healing process continues to be centered on his last book, tentatively titled: Unexpected Joys and Trials of One American Life - Reflections at 83 and Beyond. A draft has been completed. The book now includes some reflections of my own, joining Briggs on his Alzheimer’s journey, sharing the emotional trials and gifts that this experience brought to us. Briggs’s last work is still his own and the poems and additions I've included fully complement his work. A few astute writers who’ve read this draft, say that they are certain of a wider audience for this work.

Thanks ever so much for your generous donation toward the book’s production.Another update will be posted soon.

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