Dec 17, 2021 at 03:19 pm

Update 10

Update posted by Silvo Scruffy

Hi everyone!

This morning, we woke up to Scruffy’s two food bowls which we left in his cage, empty! Hooray! Scruffy continues to be a good boy, cooperating with us as we feed him medication. Except for the antibiotics, which he absolutely detests. He scrambled to the window and lost two of his nails, which were weak and dirty. So dramatic this boy.

He loves the window, so we put a towel down so he’d be comfortable as he watches the birds and passers-by.

We also cleaned his ear again, as the dirt seems to be never ending.

He hated us touching his right ear though.

Here are some more cute photos of Scruffy:

We’d like to thank our offline donors today:

Ruo Xing - $20

Chiew - $200

Have a good day, and until tomorrow

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