Oct 10, 2020 at 09:23 am

Labuna started her therapy

Update posted by Elizabeta Rus

We asked for more medical advices and concluded that we haven't a day to lose. We started therapy ( diagnostic would be dangerous and the current therapy can't harm her) and are very optimistic about financial side of it because we see that there are people willing to help. People who we asked for advice said that in 99% Labuna has FIP. That means that she needs to be injected with special medicine for 84 days (if everything goes well and without complications), without skipping one single day. Some days are harder but she is a fighter. Here is an update about her current state.

Labuna 8/10/2020 - Body temperature 40.3, good appetite, playful

Labuna 09/10/2020 - Body temperature is normal, 1.83 kg, 35 cm belly size. good appetite, playful

Labuna 10/10/2020 - Body temperature is normal, 1.89 kg, 35 cm belly size. Lost of appetite (because of aphthae only to eat liquid food), lethargy, vomited

Labuna 12/10/2020

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