Sep 23, 2020 at 09:38 pm


Update posted by Joan Alcorn


All I can say is thank you for the well wishes, the shares. the positive messages and the donations. We are moving forward, though slowly, the donations bring so much excitement and even tears to our eyes. We try so hard to make this work and get the word out, but we also understand that there are others all over the world that also have needs and people who are giving and caring have to look after everyone out there. So when a dollar or 2 or 10 and the WHOO HOO amount of 20 arrives it is all tears of happiness this side. Thank you Thank you we are so positive that we will get there soon. Hope is being a very good patient, though she does not always agree with ,mom about not running to go and bark at postie or the neighbours cat, and she is constantlyy asking to go for a walk or a play, but we try and stick to the Dr's instructions.

Once again Thank you for all the shares, love, encouragement and DONATONS .we love you all and Hope is sending big thank you sloppy kisses, her specialty

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