Oct 14, 2020 at 10:54 pm

Holding on to God’s Faithfulness

Update posted by Carrie Mendoza

Hello Dear Family and Friends,

Mama has been in the hospital for two weeks now. She fainted last October 1 at home. After rushing to the hospital we found out that it was mild stroke. Due to the stroke, she had difficult breathing and eating, so last October 3, she had to undergo tracheostomy (putting a hole in the throat to help her breathe) and she also needed to have a Gastronomy feeding tube (tube to the stomach to help her eat). With all these, she had seizures and was revived last Thursday and Friday.

Time flew and we cherish each moment that we are with Mama Rose. We thank the Lord for He is our Hope, our Healer, our Provider and our Saviour. Nothing is impossible with the Lord.

We continue to request for your prayers and support for Mama and the family. This journey is getting tougher and more difficult. But in every roadblock, we are reminded to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and not to lean in our own understanding.

Mama is still in the hospital. We were told that she has to be in the ICU last Saturday. With some discussions, the hospital agreed to let her stay in her current room, and set up all the necessary equipment. We did not want her to stay in the ICU alone because we know how Mama gets strength and hope when she’s surrounded by the family. By God’s grace, she is now conscious and have stable vital signs but still with all the tubes attached to her. To ensure that she does not have seizures she also has meds for her heart and lungs. She also had to switch to the tablet chemo meds that we ship from Manila for two weeks now.

Please keep her in your prayers and we will be grateful for any support that you are glad to give.

May His glory and power be revealed in every moment of our lives.

The Lord is faithful, always.


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