Jun 16, 2020 at 08:58 pm


Update posted by daniela diaz

hi all. we're eternally grateful for all the help. it breaks my heart to tell you that Indie passed away last night. there was fluid in her brain and she never woke up from the surgery. we went to see her last night, and i'm sure she felt us. she stopped breathing at 2am and we let her go, she was tired and i think she wanted to rest. her little body had gone through so much.

she was truly wonderful. her meows will be in my ears forever, i'll never forget the feel of her fur in my fingers, all those nights we slept together.

we will bury her in the backyard, next to her best friend (our bunny) who died last year. i hope you know how grateful we are and always will be. we'll remember her forever.

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