Jul 23, 2020 at 09:43 am

Medical emergency situation within the slum communities

Update posted by Jonathan Adrian Jackson

Dear JJF friends, while visiting the communities and delivering food to the vulnerable households, it came to our attention that there is another very big problem at the moment...appaling medical situation.

There are a lot of people in very bad and critical health condition with basically no medical access, no health workers who could help them, and no basic medicine available. The situation is trully terrible. Please have a look at the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zsgp7KbZKFA

We don’t have a solution at the moment; however we think it is instrumental to share this situation during COVID crisis with all of you and look for a way to help those people together.

One of the ideas we have is:
1. put together medical kits with essencial medicine that we can deliver together with food
2. organize a team of medical professionals or even students of medicine -- who could come and visit communities with us as volunteers and provide emergency medical aid on place.

In case if you have any suggestions or would like to recommend us any organizations with whom we could partner on this, please email us or leave a comment for us here.

If you would like to donate speciafically to help with this medical situation -- please do here on this page, just leave us a note that this is for the "medical relief".

Thank you a lot.

JJF Team

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