May 30, 2020 at 04:55 am

Please help me get treatment for cancer

Update posted by Johnson Tiulentino

November 2019, while eating my breakfast before going to work, i started choking while eating for nearly a minute, witg great effort i forced myself to exhale very deeply. the next day, the same thing happened, this time during lunchtime. during this time, i also noticed my voice was changing, so I decided to go see a eent specialist, had a laryngoscopy. the results were staggering as it showed a huge mass at the end of my tongue right in front where food is swallowed. she referred me to go see an oncologist, who requested an mri. the scan showed a huge mass of 6cm x4cmx5cm mass, more than 2 inches in diameter. I was diagnosed with stage 4 oropharyngeal cancer. the doctor gave me 2 options, cut off my tongue, or get chemotherapy (8 cycles) and radiation treatments (33 sessions of 30 minutes). The costs for these treatments would be more or less than a million. and since my voice has changed to nearly being impossible to understand, i lost my job because of this ailment, i am seeking your help to get chemotherapy. Thank you in advance.

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