Sep 26, 2019 at 11:12 am

Donations for business to grow grass for domestic animals in drought areas

Update posted by Mohammed Abdullahi

The failure of rain in Mandera county in Northern Kenya has left a devastating effect on both human and livestock populations. The situation is now getting dire and deteriorating to emergency. There severe depletion of both human food and livestock feeds and almost all water pans have dried. Pasture availability is diminishing by the days making livestock to be weak and dying in mass. There is no livestock trekking to even to the nearest water points due to body weaknesses forcing the already stressed herders to resort to scarce water trucking activities. Wildlife are not also spared. Livestock body condition is poor the local market prices are declining affecting financial asset provision (food, meat, milk and family income).

Animals are dying of starvation due to lack of feeds and has severe impact the entire population.

Your donations through this campaign will help us raise money to buy raw materials and tools, and to set up the site for greenhouses to plant grass and fodder throughout the year.

Thank you for your support.

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