Aug 09, 2019 at 10:37 am

If we raise enough money...

Update posted by YouKnowWho ByeDenisha

If we raise our goal of providing Denise with acrylic nails regularly until she has a job or something... if she feels like doing it we will give a portion of the proceeds to award an Autism mom with a set of nails too, and we will broadcast this LIVE on Facebook so she can tell us how it feels to be in our presence and stuff and about how nobody has let her get her nails did but now we can do that for a warrior! thankUForALLu do! #BeautySalonOrBust #ToughAsNailz #Catfight276Rawr #NLZ4DMarie

Don’t forget the car donation is still live and you can make another donation after that there’s a Venmo she collects from daily the link is in her IG profile and it will pay for something she will use it for but don’t expect it to be obvious where the money goes or any transparency of like just donate and don’t ask questions or we will collectively attack you, thanks champions lets do this shit helll yess ::hearts::

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