Aug 11, 2019 at 03:58 am

Update 2

Update posted by Elvita Haff

Mom, whaz those chart means?

We went to the vet today. Two weeks ago, we tried another type of antibiotic for his UTI. It worked and showed significant decrease in the bacteria amount in his urine but unfortunately it's too harsh for his stomach. The test showed he got too many helicobacters in his stomach which causes his loose stool (apple sauce consistency...) The vet is trying another antibiotic to see if it will work better than the previous one. We are to come back in two weeks with urine and stool sample for another test.

We talked about adjusting/changing his medicines with the vet to see if we could somewhat reduce the cost of the medicines. However, the current medicines are the minimum amount that he needs to control the we can't really change anything. We are sticking with the current medicines plan, as we don't want to sacrifice Gin's health....

With a baby on the way, the expenses will be double and I can't take an extra job but hubby is looking for extra jobs on evenings and weekends so we could somehow able to cover these expenses at least half. I'm also looking into getting another credit card loan to cover Gin's expenses...We are doing everything we could under the circumstances.

To everyone who donated and/or shared the link, we are grateful from the bottom of our heart.

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