Aug 03, 2019 at 02:44 pm

Cardiology Clearance for Surgery

Update posted by Ned Cruz

Yesterday, Friday, August 2, we went to Dr. Eduardo Tin Hay in Chinese General Hospital for Mommy Nene’s clearance. The doctor said she is classified as intermediate to high risk due to her having Rheumatic Heart Disease. The risk is about 5-10%. It all depends on how her body will react while undergoing surgery. The shorter amount of time the surgery can be done, the better. The doctor has prescribed her new medicines to help prepare her heart for the surgery. The doctor also believes she is strong for her condition. After being presented with these information, Mommy Nene has decided to push through with the operation. It is scheduled on August 9, 7am, at Chinese General Hospital.

Once again, we would like to thank everybody for your love and support! We will continue to update this page. We can do it, Mommy Nene! Fighting!

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