Jan 04, 2020 at 04:52 pm

Long Feature Interview with CNA

Update posted by Sarah Pang

Thank you everyone for your incredible support. My eyes are burning working off my comp after the announcement of this article! I slept at 3am last night, woke up 4 hours later at 7am to pee, and saw that CNA had released this article! I've been reaching out and connecting with stakeholders ever since :)

It's one thing to feel the journey--I go through the motions day in and out, I know my history--and it's so natural to take what we go through, as second nature. It is, after all, part of ourselves! But for the longest time, my prayer has always been, God, use me. Use my life, use my journey, use the grit and the mud of this path to be more than it is in my hands. And articles like this one, and the feedback I get from the ground, always serves as a poignant reminder that God can use anything dejected, destitute and in despair, and still, turn it into salt and light for many.


Finally finishing up my very precious one week of off-season, and stepping into pre-season this week. Training and sore muscles come on! I am excited to run further with you, this 2020.

Lots of love,

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