Jul 26, 2019 at 07:02 pm

Connor's trial week at the new school:

Update posted by Michelle Kirsten

The week started well, even though Connor was late the first day.... Transport is going to be an issue unless we can find a place between my work and the school. Connor is not pleased with the fact that it is still a school with (gasp! shock! horror!) RULES.... He says today that he misses his current school, and I tried to explain to him why we need to change. Eventually I had to show him what I wrote here for the campaign. He teared up

"Mom, how do you know me so well? And why did you say I was suicidal?"

"I had to be honest, Connor, and I had to make people understand that you need a change"

He wasn't pleased that I was airing our dirty laundry, I can tell you that.

All in all, though, it will be worth it. I can't wait.

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