Jun 03, 2019 at 05:56 am

Help me Pay for our Wedding

Update posted by Yolanda Booysen

After having to go through heart break after heart break, God finally cleared my plate of all the negativity and sent me a man who loves me. Granted even he isn't perfect (he still throws his socks on the floor) but he is the sunshine in the life. Currently he helps his mom pay her bills and look after a six kid house hold, so paying for our wedding is not so easy. I wish I could explain how much he deserves something good to happen to him. He gives without asking and works so hard without complaint. In fact he works so hard that his boss has to ask him to take a few days leave.

All I want for my dream man is his dream wedding (yes, his been dreaming of it his whole life too - told you he was amazing)

Please help!

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