Oct 21, 2019 at 05:39 am


Update posted by Hejun Lin

Dear All!

Thanks for the support and encouragement in so many ways! Especially to the backers over the last two weeks!

I now have good news. The Singapore Shooting Association (SSA) has been a tremendous help over the years, supporting my dreams as a shooter by putting me through the various developmental pathways & training programs. Because of the SSA, I have been able to shoot without worries about clay/ammo costs over the years and also gained entry to many competitions for valuable experience. The high performance team at SSA has always been the best in ensuring that athletes have the best support possible and even in tough times, they have shown faith in athletes coming good, believing in encouragement and support. For this, I am really grateful, and thought this should be highlighted as the good work of an NSA and its people.

Initially, I decided to crowdfund on this platform as I could not get SportSG's financial grants, due to my ineligibility and carding status as an athlete. This situation and my desire to train full-time for SEA Games was then noted by the high performance manager of SSA and she did everything in her power to guarantee to me that I could train with no worries. In her words, " I definitely find you the funds somehow".

Thanks to her, my coach and all the decision makers in the SSA, be it the other managers, council and everyone else in the shooting community, the SSA decided to fund my full time training till SEA Games 2019 through the shooter's benefit fund! This funding that I get is definitely enough for me to put all my heart & time into training till the Games.

In sport, there are many kinds of dreams, most of which involves the podium, rising to the top, achieving the gold medal in every competition that one enters. For me, it's the same, sport is about competition & a great part of it is in competing to win and doing everything possible to come up with the winning performance. However, other dreams as an 'athlete' in Singapore is to train full-time, to be professional, even for a while. And thanks to the SSA's support this time round, I get to fulfill this dream this year. Whatever happens in terms of results at the Games, it shall and will happen. For now, I will get back to training and enjoying myself training the best I can!

Beyond fulfilling this dream to be an athlete, this journey has also showed me the amount of encouragement & support I am so lucky to get, from family, from friends and everyone that has seen this campaign who anonymously and generously support me without any need for 'rewards' or anything in return. Also, for the people in the shooting community in Singapore who are so supportive, with all the encouragement I keep getting especially when things get tough. Be it the SAFRA shotgun team, the SGC friends and shooters, everyone else involved in SSA or in shotgun shooting, I appreciate all the kind words and encouragement.

You guys all really help to fuel and fire up this dream, directly & indirectly. Thank you!

PS. I would really like to get a Shotgun Singapore shirt for the backers, so please do email me @ [email protected] so I could get your address to send you the shirt!

Also, for all items that I listed on my rewards list, they will be available on the Oriental Kingfisher website soon for anyone interested! (Except the cheesecake ;p)

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