Nov 25, 2018 at 05:01 pm

Let Me Fly to the World, Hello from Japan to Norway

Update posted by Sena Fujinawa


How would you feel if you had to miss any opportunity because of your financial condition?

Hi, I’m Sena from Japan and I decided to start fundraising for my educational travel to Norway.

A couple weeks ago, I received an email informing me that I was selected to attend International Student Festival in Trondheim 2019, ISFiT19 in short. This event is going to be held for students from all over the sea, and this year’s theme is “Migration”. Although I’ve got “partially funded” position, I still have a concern about travel fee, which is approximately ¥120000 to ¥15000. Since I myself is low-income student and can not expect any support from my family, unfortunately, I might have to give up attending this to be amazing festival.

It would be so sad if anyone had to give up his/her hopes or dreams. I need your help to travel to Trondheim in Norway for learning about migration, which has got attentions in Japan recently so that I can bring back a breakthrough to solve the migration issues in Japan!!


初めまして、私はSenaと申します。この度は私のページへお越しくださいまして誠にありがとうございます。このページを作ろうと思ったきっかけは、ノルウェーのトロンハイムで開催されるInternational Student Festival in Trondheim 2019、通称ISFiT19の参加メンバーとして選ばれたことでした。主催者側が現地の食事や宿泊地などを含むすべてを提供してくれる予定ですが、日本から開催地ノルウェーまでの交通費(12万円から15万円)は自己負担です。私のように経済的余裕のない学生は世界へ羽ばたく機会、そして新たなことを学ぶ機会も制限されるべきでしょうか?いいえ、私はそうは思いません。私はこのファンドレイジングを成功させ、イベントに参加するとともに同じような境遇の学生に「可能性がある」ということを示したいと考えています。


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