Dec 25, 2018 at 07:32 pm

#18 - Let It Be Known: We've Reached a Milestone!

Update posted by Daniel Rolandi

Click here to return to our campaign overview and make a donation! 日本語でのご支援・ご協力はこちらのページをご覧下さい

The campaign team would like to wish you and your family a very happy holiday season. We hope you stay warm or air-conditioned wherever you are!

Can you find all the naruko? (Photo credits: Natalia Kujawska of Sakuramai Poland)

Photo credits: Canada Yosakoi Team KAEDE

Here's a naruko tree from Zen Yosakoi! (Photo credits: Zen Yosakoi)

Red and black naruko colors! Just add yellow (Photo credits: Hungary Yosakoi Team Sumire)

Good News

Christmas came early for the Japanese crowdfunding campaign! We've reached our fundraising target!

Once again, thank you for all your support! This is all thanks to you :D

Check out the Japanese campaign page!

As a refresher, the reason we have both Japanese and English crowdfunding campaigns (aside from showing multiple languages) is to have a more targeted story for the different audiences. For example, Readyfor’s payment system is entirely in Japanese and requires a Japanese postal address, which might be difficult for non-Japanese speakers to navigate! Thus having this GoGetFunding campaign makes it easier for non-Japanese speakers to contribute.

Also, outside of Japan, yosakoi is not as well known so that's why the English campaign has posts introducing our readers to yosakoi. We hope that with our effort, we spread not only information about our project but also about yosakoi so that one day the entire world knows what yosakoi is.

Note that in either case, donating through the Japanese campaign or the English campaign puts money into the same pool. By donating to this campaign, you're helping them too!

To send you off, here's a compilation of some of our our blog posts so you can learn more about yosakoi and the Kochi Yosakoi Festival!

Elements of Yosakoi

Kochi Yosakoi Festival

Team Intros

// Daniel

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