Oct 18, 2018 at 04:07 pm

Our New Location

Update posted by Susanne Sanders

We will be in the same area where we are now. You take the road to Las Planes/Bahia de Los Muertos or Suenos, but instead of turning right you turn left. Yes, we are on top of he hill of garbage, but at least in our small spot we are going to do something about that. We chose this area for several reasons. The land was very inexpensive and close to town. It has a beautiful view, and the neighborhood is very safe. There are two roads into the neighborhood. Its a very close community. And to enter Kids Up you have to pass the house of Don Julian and his family.

Don Julian is selling us the land. I met him on a trail ride. He told me he owned the possession (the land rights) of where we ride and that we were welcomed to move our operation to his land. But I never got his phone number. Several weeks passed and we looked everywhere for this elusive guy. We met other people in the neighborhood, had other offers for land (outrageously expensive offers). And then suddenly he showed up.

"Look," he said, " I've been asking the boss (God) who by the way I don't know very well, if I should do this. I'm thinking about selling you the area where I have my animals which is behind my house. But I told Him, the Boss that if you were going to be trouble I don't want any part of it. But here you are, so I guess its safe to do it."

So... here we are.

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