Aug 26, 2018 at 02:17 am

Day 11 in Broken Arrow

Update posted by Ashley Owens

On August 14th of this year karma slapped us upside the head and gave us some snitches. Problem is these people didnt know what they were talking about. Now, a officer pulls up, advises he was "in the area checking oit a stolen car reported" when some good doers kept directing him in our direction. Our intent was to eat and relax outside the neghborhood Wal-Mart. What we got was 2 citizens arrested. Justin went to change from work while ibwas outside and noticed the officer pull up. Officer runs both mine and justins name as he noticed Justin had left. I advised him that Justin went to go change. We were slandered by being called transitionals, researched without warrant, and investigated with no probable cause. When they arrested Justin for warrants (failure to pay)(we have been having a hard time lately ill admit), Justin had not touched thr bag in question and the officer began his search without clarifying who the bag belonged to. In addition, there were assumptions made and accusations stated that again are faulse. I am diabetic (type 2) and I use insulin surenges when unmanageable. He called me a liar and accused Justin of distribution. Accused me of not being diabetic. They took our belongings and slapped him with a distribition charge and me a possessions charge. I am hiring a lawyer and posting his bail. Any help counts! Dont let an innocent man pay for something he didnt do.

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