Jun 30, 2018 at 01:18 pm

Help me have a normal life!/Ajutati-ma sa am o viata normala!

Update posted by Alina Elleri

Ma numesc Elleri Alina,am 28 de ani si pana la aceasta varsta am avut deja 4 interventii chirurgicale.Dupa ce am scapat cu viata in urma interventiei de ocluzie intestinala,am fost descoperita cu uter polichistic.Desi am avut deja o interventie chirurgicalain acest sens,chisturile au reaparut.Imi doresc foarte mult sa iau parte la cea mai mare minune lasata de Dumnezeu la vedere pe pamant,aceea de a deveni mama,de a aduce o alta viata pe pamant.In prezent acest lucru este imposibil pentru mine pe cale naturala,asa ca ultima solutie a ramas inseminarea in vitro.Proces ce necesita costuri pe care nu mi le permit.Totodata,in urma cu 2 ani am fost descoperita cu diabet zaharat de tip 1,insulino-dependent.In Mai 2018 am intrat in coma diabetica.In urma comei,nu doar eu ci si toata familia mea a ramas cu sechele,verificandu-mi glicemia o data la cel mult 2 ore,chiar si pe parcursul nopti.Nici unul dintre noi nu a mai avut un somn linistit din acea seara.Verificarea glicemiei o fac in stil clasic,cu intepaturi in degete si folosirea unui glucometru.Nu imi permit sa achizitionez un dispozitiv de verificarea a glicemiei electronic,si nici consumabilele acestuia ce ajung in jur de 200 euro pe luna.Plus ca,astfel de dispositive nu se gasesc la mine in tara.In prezent singurul tratament ce poate combate de tot diabetul consta in transplantul de celule pancreatice.Un astfel de transplant are costuri mult peste cele ce mi le pot permite.

Imi doresc o familie complecta,cu o minune de copil si o viata linistita si sanatoasa,nimic mai mult.In acest sens cer ajutorul tuturor celor ce isi pot permite ca din putinul lor sa ma sustina pentru a avea o viata normala.


My name is Elleri Alina, I am 28 years old and up to this age I already had 4 surgeries. After I survived the intervention of intestinal occlusion, I was discovered with polycystic uterus. Although I have already had surgery in this regard, cysts have reappeared. I really want to take part in the greatest miracle left by God on earth, to become a mother, to bring another life to the earth. At present this is impossible for me naturally , so the last solution remained in vitro insemination. A process that requires costs that I can not afford. Two years ago I was discovered with type 1 diabetes. In May 2018, I did a diabetic coma. After coma, not just me but also all my family have remained with sequelae, checking my blood sugar once at 2 hours, even during the night. None of us had a quiet sleep since that evening. I do not afford to buy an electronic blood glucose test device, and its supplies worth around 200 euros per month. Besides, such devices can not be found in my country. Currently the only way to eliminate the effects of diabetes is pancreatic cell transplantation. Such a transplant has costs far beyond what I can afford. I wish for a complete family with a child miracle and a quiet and healthy life, nothing more. In this regard, I ask the help of all those who can afford to support me in order to have a normal life.

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