Jul 01, 2018 at 04:03 am

Knight's progress

Update posted by Valerie Chew

Hello there. Firstly, I would like to thank those of you who have donated or shared or done both. Your help has re-instilled hope in me and that the world isn't such a bad place after all. Thank you for helping me regain my faith in humanity.

Knight is still currently hospitalized and is waiting for his second surgery to remove his stones that caused the inital blockage.

His two sisters miss him gravely and my room feels very empty without him around. I still would like to take some time out to thank all of you who have helped in any way for taking some time out of your day just to help my cat and I. We are very overwhelmed by the support, care and kindness we have received so far. Thank you so much for your grace.

In addition, I would also like to inform you that Knight's hospitalization bill will total to at least SGD$3,200 — Blood test, urine test, xray, unblocking surgery, iv drips, medication, stones removal, hospitalization fees per day and much more. If the targeted amount isn't hit, the funds raised so far can at least hopefully bring him home to allow me to spend the remaining time with him before he passes on. $3,200 is a hefty sum that I cannot come up with and my family do not wish to assist in this situation still. Whatever the outcome, do know that I will forever be grateful to your kindness.

He is alive and stable for now and it's all thanks to you. For your efforts to raise awareness and donate, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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