Jan 26, 2018 at 06:45 am

1st TIT and 1st day of DOXORUBICIN and CYTARABINE

Update posted by Alpha Oloquina


1st TIT and 1st day of DOXORUBICIN and CYTARABINE were done today. πŸ™ŒπŸ™

So far Zack is doing good on his battle.

Thank you for all the support you've given guys. For those who gave in-kind donations for Zackie boy,i wanted to let you know that no matter how big or small it may be,we appreciate it so much. We are blessed to be surrounded with good people like you.

I am grateful as well for those who sends support for Zack in prayers. I believe that my son is now stronger as there are people who always pray for him. Your prayers are one of the reason why he is fighting.

Thank you all for all your genuine care to my son. God Bless you all.

#zackamljourney #battleforlife #AMLjourney #zackieboy

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