Dec 30, 2017 at 07:25 pm

Happy Holidays

Update posted by Kristie Utzler

I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays, many of asked why I haven't been reaching out and that's because this is how I spent my Christmas, The picture is from the day after my surgery. This is the only part of standardize care that I am doing to beat my cancer- partial mastectomy, which removed the growing source of the cancer.

1st things 1st though, new business idea: the need to come up with a more attractive mastectomy bra!

After pouring through over a 1000 websites/blogs & reading 24 books, I have reduced my funding amount because there is quite a bit of it I can do on my own without being away from my son for a month.

The core of all natural treatments for cancer, as well as many other chronic illnesses, begins with a true detox and a flood of high vitamins through whole food drinks. This part alone of the program was 1/2 the cost- I have a vitamix and through my research & a friend who had a grandparent that went to the Gerson clinic (famed for curing cancer) I have obtained the recipes to do this part- Part 2 of the detox is coffee enemas- a part that I most certainly feel more comfortable doing myself than having someone else do lol. So win win, I get to do my own enemas & save $20K!!

There are so many contradictory articles for and against natural treatments to cancer, it can be a little bit overwhelming so I have narrowed down all the common threads into a personalized treatment plan and I will be posting the things that I do to fight this disease & we will measure the success and I hope and pray for a positive outcome. If anything, I hope the things that I post can help you, your children and other loved ones in preventing cancer. Unfortunately my diet protocol from the clinic is personalized to my type of cancer, so that will not be much help, but I will post things to help everyone live a little cleaner and a little greener and suggestions that will positively affect your health and overall well-being.

The one thing that I have discovered in common with both standard and natural treatment suggestions is that toxic overload is the cause of many illnesses, not just cancer. So tip one is living by the clean 15 and the dirty dozen (list is below), tip 2 is that is a good thing to get rid of all toxic cleaning products in your home- this includes artificial air freshener, candles & plug-ins. I'm not saying go out and throw away everything but as you need to replace things please consider switching to plant based/essential oil products.

Thank you again to everyone that has contributed to my campaign, I have started writing my petition (waiting on some updated statistics on current government subsidies) and I hope that I will have your support in demanding the government provide more subsidies to help make organic and toxin free food more affordable. Phase two which will take a little longer, is requesting the consideration of natural medicine to be supported by insurance.

I hope everyone has a wonderful New Years and that 2018 is filled with joy, peace and many blessings.

I will be posting more about my treatments & protocol when I return from the clinic. Here's to your health!

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