Dec 20, 2017 at 07:11 pm

Your kindness has left us totally speechless ❤

Update posted by Sarina Brewer

I'm passing this message along at the request of my cousin's wife:

"Your kindness has left us totally speechless.... especially the gifts from those of you we have never even met. It truly brings tears when complete strangers reach out to help. We are so grateful for all of your very generous contributions. We have only 1 treatment option remaining at this point, and that is the natural way. We have a naturopath working on Dave and we were able to sign up for insurance to start in January, this means we can get labs and scans. I don’t know how many per year, but its something. We found a naturopath MD, which means he will respect David's wishes for no more chemo while still being able to order his lab tests, scans, and CEA markers so we can monitor Dave and determine if his treatment is working or not. So far, the tumor that protruded thru the belly by the bellybutton is hard to feel anymore. That has shrank significantly in the last 1-2 weeks. The naturopath takes Dave's urine and saliva and does a lab test on it. He supplements Dave to balance out his chemistry to that of a healthy human; most of the time this will stimulate the immune system to kill the cancer. No guarantees, but no doctors will touch him without wanting to get him to do chemo again. We have also been doing an Ionic foot bath that cleanses toxins out of the body through the feet. Dave's first foot bath was horrible – it was sludgy and smelled terrible (which means it was working to pull out toxins) He slept like a baby that night, almost 12 hours straight. We have been able to make payments on the hospital bills, buy lots of organic juices and shakes, put some towards car repairs, and lots of gas to get him to here and there for treatments. He can't handle solid foods again yet, but is able to eat some light things like eggs, squash, soups, and small chunks of salmon. His weight worries me, he is under 180 now. He tells me often he still feels like he is going to make it. We have been told many times that when tumors die, regardless of the kind, they hurt when they die off. (like uterine fibroids that cause pain when they shrink) We were told he would be experiencing pain similar to that of a woman in labor. He does get breaks in-between his pain episodes. He has a day here and there where it isn’t that bad. His current treatment will either work or it won't.... but this is our last hope and Dave said he isn’t ready to give in yet. He could minimize his pain but he does not want to do all an all organic lifestyle then fill himself up with toxic painkillers, it just defeats the purpose. He told me he is going to tough it out for now. Compared to the episodes a week ago, we notice some improvement in his pain this week so far, they aren’t as intense as they were before. There is no guarantee this is all working but we just have to wait and see for now. We pray a lot and talk about our new lives together after his recovery. The deep humbleness we are feeling from your outpouring of kindness has truly morphed us. We only hope to be able to survive this so we can contribute back to those in need. We very much desire to be a part of friends, family, and society again. I'm so sorry I haven’t written to you all sooner, but David has been very dependent upon me lately and I make sure he has my attention first and foremost. It’s a tough fight, but Dave is a tough guy... the toughest one I know.

We are sending hugs and love to each and every one of you. We wish you all a wonderful holiday season and a happy and prosperous New Year. Be happy! Be healthy! And love deeply! =) Bless you all

All the best,

David & Izzy Rieniets

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