Sep 18, 2017 at 11:12 am

Keep kitty and Puppy Haven cooler this summer

Update posted by Samantha Berger

Summer temperatures are brutal and we need to keep our rescues sheltered and protected from over exposure and sun stroke. By erecting shade cloth in their play areas, this will achieve the desired effect by giving them the necessary shade to keep them cool.

We have over 200 dogs and puppies at the sanctuary, 180 cats and kittens and farm rescues at the sanctuary.

Kitty and Puppy Haven was founded in 2000 to offer a safe haven for injured, abused and neglected animals. Once these rescues are nursed back to health emotionally and physically, they are available for adoption. They are fully vaccinated and sterilized before leaving the sanctuary.

The sanctuary is a pro life sanctuary based in Midrand, South Africa and relies solely on donations as it receives no government funding. Monthly running costs total between R170k to R190k monthly.

Please help us to make life more comfortable for those in our care.

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