Sep 10, 2017 at 08:11 pm

Update #5

Update posted by Samantha Driedger

Hello everyone! I just had a REALLY nice visit with Danielle this afternoon, getting an update on Olaf.

As of this morning, Olaf's white blood cell count has raised a bit (which is AMAZING, as his blood cell count was originally nonexistant before), and he even stood up on his own and responded to his name. Our boy still had a long road ahead of him, but they're starting to see his body fight back.

Over the past few days, we've all been completely blown away by everyone's support. Between donations, reposts and well wishes, this community has had Olaf's back. So thank you so much!

Danielle and Wes have started a map filled with hearts on all of the places Olaf has received love from! If you want to stay updated, check out his Instagram account (@olaf_thesamoyed)!

To anyone who may have messaged them asking for updates or to send your love, please be aware that their inbox has been FLOODING with messages, and because their focus is on Olaf at the moment, they may not be able to get back to everyone. For updates, keep an eye on his story, or on here, as we will try to update often whenever there is new information 💕

Thank you again so much!

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