Jul 13, 2017 at 02:00 pm

Another progress update

Update posted by Caren von Gontard

First, a sincere expression of gratitude is not really visible through a computer, but please know how much your financial contributions, your love, your prayers, your food offerings and your support mean to Jessie, Michelle, Ezra and all who love this remarkable young woman. We still have some way to go toward meeting the financial needs facing the family, and healing is a slow process, but step by step, day by day, Jessie is moving forward into an undeniably bright future. Her commitment to her work with Viva la Vida Foundation has brought her into her own in a way that only destiny meetings can. Her caring and loving support of all the people and animals in her world, her developing interests in her garden and all the farming projects Viva la Vida has undertaken continue unbounded and she will certainly be active in them all for a long time to come.

Jessie's physical and spiritual healing is progressing at the pace that is right for her. This means there are days of great joy and leaps forward toward greater stability and interaction with the outside world, and there are days where quiet, reflection, and inner work are what is needed.

There are doctor appointments scheduled ahead, and thankfully all her tests thus far have shown normal readings. The healing that is taking place within Jessie is far deeper than any MRI or CAT scan can show. Trusting her process is something we all can learn from and support her with.

Again, we ask your patience in dampering your enthusiasm to go visit Jessie. It is difficult to realize how much energy is expended just talking to people, and at this time Michelle in particular needs all her energy just to keep life together and to help Jessie with anything she needs. Please continue to respect their need for quiet and calm by not texting, calling, emailing or dropping by until Michelle specifically sets a time for that. We all know how much Jessie wants to serve others and how much she wants to make us all feel good. It's now our turn to make certain she gets what she needs.

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