Sep 10, 2019 at 12:31 am

Today is...

Update posted by Anna Esguerra

Hey guys!

It has been put to my attention that my shortlink has not worked properly just now. Thank goodness someone told me about it!

Permanently, this fundraiser's shortlink (other than the one provided by GGF) is bitly/AnnaEsguerraKT.

Guess that is why no update has happened since I started using that custom shortlink since 2018? Oops.

Health-wise I am doing good. Less seizures now, most importantly. Physically I'm okay too. Just know that I'm weaker than my normal self compared to when I was not on dialysis. Doctors also told me I look good, so that's a good sign. We're also doing small steps towards working up on a transplant recently. Yup, the funds I've received here are going to be used for that. Please wish me luck, prayers are definitely appreciated.

It's also my birthday today! :D I've had fears not reaching this age since I was 26, when I started dialysis.

Well.. today is the day.

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